#Turkish government

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1 month ago
NYC politics

NYC Mayor Under FBI Investigation Over Free Flight Upgrades

Mayor Eric Adams under FBI investigation for Turkish Airlines flight upgrades.
Investigation includes relationships between Adams, Turkish Airlines, and Turkish government. [ more ]
6 months ago
NYC politics

Could the FBI's investigation send New York mayor Eric Adams to prison?

FBI agents raided the home of the New York City mayor's chief fundraiser as part of a federal investigation into possible illegal fundraising from the Turkish government.
The investigation centers around whether the mayor's campaign accepted money in exchange for favors, including pressuring the fire chief to open a Turkish consulate building.
No charges have been made against the mayor, but legal experts say he could face severe consequences if evidence of bribery is found. [ more ]
The Messenger
6 months ago
NYC politics

NYC Mayor Adams' Aide Unmasked After FBI Seizes Cellphone in Turkey Campaign Cash Probe

A special assistant to NYC Mayor Eric Adams, Rana Abbasova, has had her electronics seized by the FBI and has been placed on leave.
Abbasova is being investigated in connection with a probe into campaign fundraising involving the Turkish government.
Mayor Adams has not been accused of any wrongdoing in relation to this investigation. [ more ]
ABC News
6 months ago
NYC politics

Federal corruption probe scrutinizing possible Turkish links to NYC Mayor Eric Adams' campaign: Sources

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is under federal investigation for potential corruption involving donations to his campaign from the Turkish government.
Adams denies any wrongdoing and claims the contact with Turkish officials was part of his routine role as borough president to address constituent issues.
The investigation is ongoing, and Adams is cooperating with investigators. [ more ]
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